Monday, 18 February 2013

Tricky shots/edits/effects

Pull in focus shot: We are going to be doing this effect when a shot is shown of Charlotte leant against a tree out of breath, and the focus is on her, we see a faint black figure in the background, after a few seconds on Charlotte, it then goes onto Violet. We decided to add this effect in our film because it signifies which character should be focused on, and also builds up the tension in the scene. We feel that it will be a very tricky shot do to, as we need to get the characters in the right position at the right time. Also when we are pulling in the focus we need to make sure that we are not shaking around as we need the shot to be still.

Rewind shot: We are going to be doing a rewind shot. But we have decided to do it differently to make it seem more frantic to the audience, also it is a little different and is not used in many movies. As we originally planned for Charlotte to be dragged away by Violet, but we decided that it would really hurt, so we are going to film Charlotte falling over Amy's body and then crawling towards the camera, and then film Charlotte crawling again and make it in rewind so it looks like Charlotte is being dragged away. Even though this is a very tricky shot to do, it will add to the elements in our film which make it a conventional psychological horror, also it will look really skillful when it comes to watching it all back in the film.

Tracking shot: We are going to be doing a tracking shot a few times, once when the camera is following Charlotte and Amy in the woods, and then following Charlotte on her own. We think that this is going to be a tricky shot because of the speed that the girls are going to be running, the camera needs to keep within the pace of them without looking as jumpy. On the first shot, Charlotte and Amy are running away from something looking backwards, the camera needs to be following them from the side, and on the second shot of just Charlotte on her own, she is running away from something and needs the camera following her from behind as if its the camera's perspective that is chasing her. She also falls onto the floor after tripping over something, so after the camera has followed her, it needs to leap over her as she screams. Also we are using a tracking shot to follow Violet through the woods as if someone is following her, this is to make the audience confused because Violet is shown being the killer, or the one listening to the voicemails from her friends, where as we see her running away from something it tricks us into thinking is she not the killer.

POV shot: We decided to do this shot from Violet's point of view when she is trying to attack Charlotte with a knife. This is going to be a tricky shot because we need to get it exactly where Violet's eyeline would be looking out of her own eyes. Also we need to make sure that we get it right because it could represent different things, such as Violet is trying to defend herself, or in another way it could represent Violet trying to attack Charlotte so that is why we need to make sure that we get it right.

High Angle: We are going to be using this angle in many shots such as Charlotte jumping on Violet, and when Charlotte falls over Amy's body. Using a high angle represents a lack of power, who ever is in the  high angle shows that they have the loss of power. To make sure that we achieve the high angle, we need to make sure that our tripod is high enough, if we don't have a high enough tripod then the angle wont be achieved.

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