Charlotte plays the good looking and intelligent character. She appears to have a good figure and attractive facial features. She will also be wearing glasses to appear intelligent.
Charlotte portrays the 'Geeky' character within the group, but also has an attractive appeal to her. Her dress code includes a school blazer with a slightly dressed down under top. To add to her attractive appeal figure hugging jeans would be suitable, with some plain shoes to keep the geeky feel to her character.Charlottes make up consists of a modern attractive teenage girl, simple foundation, a glowing blusher and red lipstick to add to her appeal. Her dark hair is tied up in a bun, and she wears thick black glasses to connote a 'geeky' nature.
This is the type of blazer that we are considering having Charlotte wear, it is a dark blazer so it looks quite professional and quite formal, much like Charlotte's personality and the way she is put forward. It is qutie a modern make to show that she is quite up to date with fashion but still maintaining the professional and 'geeky' aura around her character.
As she is also considered the 'slutty' one of the group we are planning on having her in a top that is, not exactly revealing, but is quite showy. This is to showcase that not only is she partly professional and maintains that structured but she is also quite fierce.
We are trying to consider her in a top such as maybe a vest or even a quite glittered or patterned top to show how confident she is and how she likes to be very out there.
This is just an idea of the top that we are thinking to have Charlotte wearing. This is quite appropriately selected to Charlotte's character as we believe that the dark colour of black underneath represent much like the dark colour of the blazer her smart and professional ideas. But the beading over the top is quite showy. To have beading on the top shows that she is very daring and as she is considered the 'slutty' one of the group we need to put her out there are show quite a garish difference between her and the other two girls. As Violet stands out in the darker colours that she wears we want Charlotte to stand out in this way and represented it through her appearance. The cut of the top also accentuates Charlotte's figure which we will be showing off and also the 'slutty' character that she is supposed to be.
We believe by combining all of these elements we will create the character that we are trying to express with Charlotte and her character's personality will be achieved.
These are the type of jeans that we would want Charlotte to be wearing, but not this colour, more of a dark blue, to keep her style very simplistic. The only bright colour that she would be wearing is her right lipstick, to indicate that she is smart, but also girly too. These jeans are simple, but very stylish. The shoes would just be very plain, to match her outfit.
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