During our film some of the characters will be wearing make-up to contribute to their personalities. Lucas Black will not wear any make-up because he is a male and we would like to keep the film looking realistic. The three girls however will be wearing make-up because it is stereotyped that girls more than liekly always wear make-up so as a film we would like to stick to this. Also because of the era that the film is being shot in, in the 21st century it is more than likely that most girls will wear some form of makeup whether it be obvious or not. So to have the girls wearing makeup we feel that it would be a lot more relatable and would therefore link to more audience members and would bring in more attention as the female characters are more relatable and realistic.

Violet will have dark eye make-up to show the dark side to her personality and because she will be crying in the film we need it to look drastic and out of place so she looks like the odd one out. Also the fact that her makeup is smudged and running down her face it would definitely add to the atmosphere and tone of the film and would show that something is unhinged and isn't right. Also the fact that the film title is 'Something About Her' this scene and idea of makeup would link to the title as it does in fact express that there is something about her that isn't right.
The dark lipstick will also represent her personality and will be some what related to her religion that she never speaks off. Also the lipstick would be an extra input into her personality as lipstick is a sector of makeup that is quite unessessary. Eye makeup is quite common and the fact that Violet has gone out of her way to put on this lipstick shows that she is open and is happy to express the way she dresses. Although it also shows that as well as she is quite different, the fact that even though she does wear a different style of makeup to other girls, she is in fact quite average in the fact that she wears makeup like other girls. This is an aspect we are happy to include in our film because we want to make it less obvious that there is something about her as we attempt to throw our suspicions to Lucas in the film as we want to confuse the audience as this is something that a usual psychological horror would do.
Her hair is usually slightly messy and straight and she has a full cut fringe to hide her expressions. We used this because we wanted to make it quite sterotypical and obvious. While she is crying in the film we want her heavy black make-up to run down her face to create a sad hysterical look to create the effect that she is quite disturbed and odd. Doing so will create an awful dreary atmosphere which is key to the effect we are trying to represent.

Amy and Charlotte will both have 'pretty' and 'perfect' make up. Charlotte will be wearing a small amount of nude eye shadow and a small amount of mascara to make her eyes seem like the pretty character that doesn't want to put herself out there by wearin extensive makeup but still maintaining the factor of girlyness. Her lips will be slightly tinted with a small amount of red lipstick to add a seductive quality to her as we want to show that she does in fact have quite a fiery personality and we feel that this would be a good use of that quality. Amy's make up will be very much similar in regards to her skin. Although she wont be wearing eye shadow or lipstick because we want to make Amy's character seem like the innnocent one and to have this lack of makeup will almost give her a child like quality, but the lack of makeup paired with her dress sense will definitely give off the sophisticated yet innocent look we are trying to put across with her character. Amy and charlotte are both wearing little make up because we would like to show contrast between these two and Violet. We want the three characters to be juxtaposed so that the audience will understand which character is the one that commits the brutal murders or at least have their suspicions. We are doing this because we feel that this would fit in with our intended genre and we feel that adding up all these elements would fit in nicely and give off the right atmosphere and mood.
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